SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Successful human services employees come from all backgrounds and walks of life. GCC的人类服务项目学生包括传统大学年龄的个人,以及越来越多的选择将该领域作为第二职业的个人.

Through the 人类服务 程序 at GCC, 你会懂得如何照顾和帮助别人, and eventually transform this quality into a career.

Who Are 人类服务 Workers?


  • 孩子们
  • 青年
  • Special needs individuals
  • 老年人

通常, 辅助专业人员直接与客户或儿童接触,并在人类服务专业人员/教师的指导下工作,以便:

  • 提供照顾
  • 设定目标
  • 遵循治疗
  • Evaluate progress of individuals

Which Program is Right for Me?


Associate in Science (A.S.) 和一个ssociate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degrees in 人类服务

这些项目为任何对人类服务领域感兴趣的人提供了坚实的基础. 的 A.S. 程序 为希望转到学士学位课程的学生提供更广泛的文科课程, 而 A.A.S. 程序 专注于对希望毕业后立即就业的学生最有用的课程. 然而, your choice of degree depends on your unique needs; we are here to help you select the degree 程序 that’s right for you.

Associate of Science (A.S.) in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Studies

该计划为有兴趣从事酒精或药物滥用服务的学生提供了良好的基础. 这个课程是专门为希望在这个领域获得学士学位的学生设计的.



所有课程都包括理论与应用相结合的优秀人文服务课程, as well as communication, 心理学, 人际关系, 以及其他帮助你成为一名全面发展的人力服务员工的课程. Our faculty members are outstanding teachers, mentors, and advisors. 的y are noted for their classroom skills, one-to-one attention to students, and extensive experience in the human services field.

You can complete degree 程序s in two years of full-time study, or a longer period of part-time study. You can complete certificate 程序s in a year of full-time study, or a longer period of part-time study. 你获得的证书学分完全可以转移到人类服务学位课程.

If you then wish to earn a bachelor’s degree, you will find numerous 程序s available after graduation from Genesee. 社会工作或人类服务的学士学位课程在我们的毕业生中最受欢迎. 的se 程序s are located at SUNY College at Brockport, 布法罗州立大学, and Roberts Wesleyan College, 在其他学院中.

What’s the Difference between the AS 和一个AS Degree?

Associate of Science (AS)

本课程旨在为学士学位的社会工作或人类服务相关课程做准备, the AS in 人类服务:

  • Builds a foundation of knowledge and skills in many course areas
  • 符合转学院校的通识教育课程要求(确保学生遵循建议课程的指导方针)
  • 提供学习与特定人群(幼儿)合作的理论和技能的机会, 年长的成年人, developmentally disabled, alcohol and drug abuse)
  • Provides students with two semesters of internship experiences

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

本课程是为毕业后立即就业的学生设计的. 重点放在课程,使学生获得重要的理论知识,在人类服务工作,并将概念应用到他们感兴趣的专业人群. By choosing specific electives, students may concentrate in:

  • 照顾孩子
  • 社区服务
  • Developmental disabilities
  • 药物滥用
  • 老年医学

除了, a one-year Certificate in 照顾孩子, 老年学或发育性残疾可以与人类服务的AAS同时选修(注意选修课)。.

Experience plays a major role in the curriculum, 因为每个学生都要在外部机构和杰纳西社区学院课程导师的监督下参加两门实地考察课程. During these internships, students directly apply concepts, knowledge and skills learned in their courses.

实习 – Caring Today So You Can Care Tomorrow

Genesee的人力服务项目提供了丰富多样的学生实习机会. 作为一名学生,你将参与一到两个真实的、长达一个学期的工作经历. 目的:让你有机会在机构工作人员的监督下与机构客户练习你的人际服务技能, and coordinated with your human services faculty.

我们在纽约西部的数十家不同的人力服务机构提供实习机会, covering virtually every form of service. As part of each internship, 你将参加每周的研讨会,帮助你将课堂理论与技能发展结合起来.


转移技巧 For Social Work & 人类服务 Programs

成功转学学士学位需要具备以下技能和能力. lol电竞菠菜的人类服务项目帮助你获得这些技能和能力,这样你就可以成功地转学.

  1. Critical thinking (process information not just memorize)
  2. Ability to read and write very well
  3. Time management: can handle heavy homework load
  4. Ability to use internet for retrieving class readings
  5. Understand and analyze professional journal articles
  6. Ability to follow assignments and task direction exactly and independently

当你完成转学申请的时候,确保你的材料符合你的想法, organizing and writing skills proficiencies. Any essay must be very well written. Be sure to proof read carefully.

Remember that the junior level in any 程序 is demanding and intense. 社会工作或人类服务的学士学位课程是为你在专业水平(主管)的就业做准备, 案例管理器, 导演).

必须仔细注意预期转移机构的要求. 学生必须申请转入转学课程,并达到最低入学平均成绩. Acceptance is not guaranteed. Admission into the Social Work Program is fall only at many colleges. Apply in October or early November for the following fall semester. Some Social Work transfer 程序s (SUNY Brockport, 例如,在进入学士学位学院后需要单独的申请程序.